Mimosa Pudica
Walk For Lights
December 15, 2012 21:13
30 November 2012

We attend to support our senior part 5 event.  And it was a great and wonderful event.  And I didn't aspect that they capable to make this huge event.  And I'm very proud with them.  Even though, we got an extra class and have to present our persuasive speech, and we were late.  Sooooo sorry.  

It was held at 9pm until 11pm.  That is why it called Walk For Lights.

Furthermore, it was a charity to the blind.  I'm as a volunteer. Overall, I'm really enjoyed.  =)

my shirt size is XL okay! that is why I'm tight it like that. HAHA

tak sempat nak tukau kasut nokk. balik kelas terus bergegas ke sini, seluar pun pinjam dak migha punya. keke

sponsored by Milo =)

 loghat nau dengan sticker volunteer dia tu.